A Day of Self-Care

Writer: Dima Hassanein

Editor: Ahmed Ashry

With so much time in our days because of the quarantine , there are no excuses to delay self-care. Here are some of my favorite things that I like to do during a day dedicated to self-care. This day is dedicated to you treating yourself and cheering yourself up.


First thing you should do is unplug. Which is eliminating any sources of negative energy. This would probably be your phone. Turning off your phone on a day of self-care would really help you focus on yourself. This means no distractions, no negativity, and more productivity. If you plan on turning off your phone, I recommend you do it before you go to sleep so you don’t get tempted when you get up to immediately grab it.


Next, you should initiate your morning routine. Wake up and have a large glass of water. Get up ,immediately make your bed and neaten your room. Then do your usual skin care and have a nice breakfast. If you could squeeze in for a workout, it would be a great opportunity to be refreshed and refreshed in the morning . 

Peak Of The Day 

I recommend at this point the day to get your mind settled up about what you’re going to do. Now that you have a lot of time between your hands, and it’s definitely a good idea to finish some work you have —if you’re behind in anything. Once that’s out of the way,  you have time to do whatever you want. You can read a good book, take a nap, organize your room,  or perhaps even eat your favorite food. It would also be beneficial if you step outside for a few moments and get a breath of fresh air. Remember, do Whatever you want to do! 

Winding Down 

This is my personal favorite part of the day. End the day by taking a hot and relaxing shower or bath. Then, put on your favorite and most comfortable pajamas. Dim the lights, adjust the temperature of the room, make yourself cozy. Afterwards, light up a candle, and recreate your day. This is actually really helpful in letting out your emotions and feelings. Make yourself a snack and binge-watch your favorite tv show or movies. You can now open your phone and perhaps even call some friends. Do a face mask, listen to your favorite music, dance, literally anything you feel like doing. 

Days like these are my favorite, which is why I like doing them often. (at least once a week). This day is all about YOU.