How to Survive Upon This Pinpoint in The Universe

Writer: Malak Mahmoud
Editor: Khaled Mohamed

1. Fight back. If you don’t like it, then you don’t like it. Don’t force yourself into sugary excuses when you know very well that they’re unpleasant, bitter pills.

2. Know yourself better than anyone else. Screw the entire population – this unique plant won’t bloom unless you know what it needs to bloom. Study the depths and smallest details of the work of art you are. Explore step by step.

3. Time embroiders your tale. Don’t rush anything and always rinse every decision for a nice efficient while. But don’t turn the process of rinsing into a process of sinking. The thin line between rushing and excessive thinking is difficult to find but we have to try.

4. Be passionate. Whether it’s your favorite school subject or your favorite person or your warm cozy spot by the window. Love them all, sincerely. Pour sweet effort into the things you admire. Yet always keep yourself aware when it’s time to stop.

5. You’re worthy of this battle. Always try to fasten the knits of your loose patches. Always try to enliven your faded vibrance. Because throughout your story, you’ll gorgeously learn and fail and bloom. But please, don’t bloom into something you’re not. Hold tight onto your self amidst the story.